And I have won a United States government sponsored, two year adventure to… “X” a city nestled between the High and Middle Atlas Mountains. Population: 40,000+. It is the regional capital and boasts of it’s beautiful mountain views, waterfalls and cold, possibly white winters!
I have a youth center, woman’s craft group, girl’s dormitory and many more wonderful resources and contacts to tap into and work with. I will be the fifth Peace Corps volunteer in this sector in this town which has it’s advantages and disadvantages. 1. My town counterparts, officials and police are used to working with Americans and speak uber slowly and in as many languages (Darija, standard Arabic, French, and even English) to get information across to me! 2. It is going to be a challenge to differentiate myself or truly integrate into the community and people around me, when they see me as simply, another American leaving in two years.
My youth center director is slightly crazy and was out of site the whole week I was visiting except for the last night of my stay. On that night I went to meet him in our empty, newly renovated, “Dar Chabab” (youth center) in which the walls have been drenched in cartoonishly bright wall colors, in which rooms scream “kids area” with there polka dots and multi-colored striped motifs. My director sat me down and proceeded to give me an hour-long lecture in Darija about how our youth center is a part of the FIST that helps children “punch their problems in the face”. (hahaha… I find it a true testament to the effectiveness of my intense Arabic classes of the past month, seeing as how I was even able to understand ½ of the bizarre conversation!)
I am happy with the placement and am looking forward to finding my own apartment, furnishing and decorating it (my very first solo apartment!). Living in a city with daily cheese, chocolate and wireless Internet access also has its draws.
In other news, I found out I have a sitemate who is an environment PCV and has been here since last spring. She and I will be living in X together until my last 6 months of service, which is a huge comfort! I definitely didn’t assume when I signed up for Peace Corps that I would have constant, daily English and American interactions, what a lovely little perk! I have also talked to a few other current PCVs and staff members and already have 2 project ideas I am excited about getting involved in. All in all, life in the cold country of the hot sun is good! One more week of training, in which we are celebrating the eid . aka the big “sheep slaughtering” holiday of the year, then swearing-in in Rabat. Then I will become a real life, true, legit Peace Corps Volunteer!
P.S. For all of my future visitors, good news! I am approximately 2 hours from Marrakech, a supposed $30 flight away from Spain and $50 jump from other Euro destinations. SOoo, get your passports ready, pack your bags (inshallah) after January 1st I will have a guest room ready and waiting for you all!
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